Best Author bio plugins for WordPress

Best Author bio plugins for WordPress

Best Author bio plugins for WordPress

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Having a small author box at the end of your blog posts gives readers an extra sense of professionalism on your side. The little box will provide your audience with information about the author. Bloggers and original content creators understand this perfectly. Most of the WordPress themes allow creators to put the author’s name in the form of a meta display, but they don’t in essence have this feature included.

The process of customization of the author bio box can be a ”hard to grasp ” task for quite a few users.

That is why today we are discussing the best author bio box plugins available for WordPress. From increasing the web traffic and crediting authors and co-authors to better SEO rankings, there are numerous valid reasons why each and every blog post reveals detailed information about one or more authors, their social media and web contacts, references, etc.

Simple Author Box

Simple Author Box

On the top of our list is the plugin called Simple Author Box because of the simple and user-friendly features that come with this plugin. The growing popularity of this piece of software confirms that the author boxes at the end of the posts can be fully customized. This plugin allows users to easily add a responsive author box that contains the data and information according to your site’s needs. It can display the author’s name, picture, social media icons, description, and bio.

Simple Author Box Social

When it comes to the design of bio boxes, Simple Author Box allows customization to the point of the perfect match of your theme, especially in terms of style, size, colors, and text editing options. In that way, you can have that neat and professional look on any device whether it is a PC, notebook, mobile, or tablet. Whether you want to keep it minimalistic or would rather have a simple and professional look you just choose the predefined template. Those who have multiple authors assigned to one text might want to use prominent features of this plugin such as adding multiple authors to a single article quickly. Last but not the least, your guest authors do not have to possess a WordPress account.

Simple Author Box

Team Members

Team Members

Another good choice for adding a “teams” section lets you display your staff’s information in an easy and customizable way. It allows the users to quickly add new members, their bio and picture, as well as the details: description and social links. Team Members plugin runs under parole “what you see is what you get” and highlights that there are no limitations imposed on the free version. Bio boxes you create with this plugin can be placed anywhere on the website just by pasting a shortcode.

WordPress Author Bio On Hover – Author Box

WordPress Author Bio On Hover – Author Box

Those website owners who deal with multiple authors might as well try the WordPress Author Bio On Hover – Author Box plugin. It is a great tool to give appropriate credit where the credit is due. It is easy to use, fast and responsive. Once you hover over the posts the gravatar, author’s bio, and description along with social icons will display.

Posts Footer Manager

Posts Footer Manager

What happens to show under the content is rarely under the control of the user on WordPress. Of course, we talk about the post footer content and the plugin called Posts Footer Manager that offers another way of handling the bio boxes. An average blog contains an author bio box, share buttons, banners, or subscription box and often the user faces hardships when managing them. Posts Footer Manager will let you set what you need at the end of the post so you keep current and attract new visitors.

Gosign – Contact Person Box Block

Gosign – Contact Person Box Block

Bio box, author box or a contact person box are terms referring to our topic today. The plugin called Gosign – Contact Person Box is the type of plugin that lets you customize the box by a positioning profile picture, contact email, and number, or even manually set the background color and border-radius. With s media links and PHP 8 support included, this will be a good alternative for the management of the author’s bio boxes on your site.


Knowing how important it is to place a neat bio box at the end of the content we have listed the most popular tools that will let you create responsive author boxes anywhere on the site. Customizable and responsive bio boxes that reveal the author’s or co-author’s information in the form of pictures, text descriptions, and social media links and icons are highly appreciated by both users and visitors.

However, we must admit that Simple Author Box is our top recommendation in that field thanks to the relevant and powerful features it brings. Whether you want full control over the design of bio boxes or have multiple authors – Simple Author Box is the key to success because you will be able to make an author box exactly as you want that perfectly meets the needs of your website.


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