Uncommon Roles of a Content Marketer

Uncommon Roles of a Content Marketer

With the fast-paced technological advancements and Internet popularity, businesses increasingly move online to stay competitive in today’s digital economy. Naturally, the new environment requires renovated means and techniques. One of the responsibilities of marketing is to target a specific market segment. They can identify their niche with the use of tools like the Free positioning statement template.

In this context, content marketing has become an increasingly popular field that attracts thousands of high school graduates who are looking for a lucrative career option.

Why Need Content Marketing?

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Indeed, content marketing is a new word in the world of marketing that offers a myriad of benefits to people who choose it for their future career. In addition to being extremely promising in terms of salary and opportunities, it is also extraordinary versatile and demanding at the same time. A skilled content marketer is a person who is able to make you use new delivery services, buy MBA and PhD essays, accept the offer of monthly newspaper subscription, or go to an emergent SPA resort on a remote Chinese island this Saturday already. Yes, you are right: all the information about the possible goods and services you see online every day is a product of content marketing teams.

Content Marketing Team Responsibilities

Of course, some businesses may hire only one person to perform all the content marketing responsibilities. However, for devising, developing, and implementing a successful strategy that will work and bring revenue, a team of specialists would be required since all the duties may be too overwhelming for one individual. At minimum, the team would consist of:

  • A content strategist
  • A writer
  • A designer
  • A production assistant
  • A promotion assistant
  • An analyst

As it may have already become clear, it may be quite challenging for one person to cope with all these responsibilities. However, the content marketing process takes more than building a strategy, writing, designing and producing a piece of content, promoting it, and analyzing the progress and success. Indeed, the entire deal goes far beyond these duties and may require some very unique and unconventional skills.

Marketers who are well-organized have a 397 percent higher chance of success than those who aren’t. One of the most important parts of a well-functioning marketing team is a flexible calendar of marketing events.

Uncommon Content Marketing Roles

Content marketing is a very multifaceted field that engages a range of various roles and responsibilities. Actually, this variety and flexibility is one of the reasons it attracts so many young people who want to get a lucrative career or change their current sphere of activity. Apart from usual duties engaged in traditional marketing of any business, a content marketer may need to possess additional skills and perform some roles uncommon for the field. Let’s discuss some of them.


Since content marketing is all about promoting the business online, the main channels of distribution applied in it are social media platforms. Thus, a good content marketer should be ready to perform the role of a social journalist with keen understanding of online audience. This person should possess brand awareness and ability to reach the target market at the right place and in the right time to skillfully distribute the relevant content in the brand context.

Crowd Development

Defining the target audience and developing a buyer persona is a common tactic in marketing, even traditional one. In digital world, however, it is possible to interact with multiple people from around the world simultaneously, which makes this task even more interesting.

Content marketer can gather a focus group and create a kind of a private community of passionate customers to use it as a model of a larger audience. These people can engage in a variety of in-person activities and events related to the product or service and share their ideas and feedbacks in some new and unconventional ways to help build the further strategy. The interaction in such communities helps content marketing teams to generate projects based on firsthand user experiences.

Data Science

Content marketing, if performed skillfully, needs more than data analytics. It requires real “scientists of data” and “hackers of growth.” Since different online platforms and services are very closely interlinked and intertwined, it is important to understand the ways data from search engines, Google Analytics, BuzzSumo, and social media can be cross-referenced. A professional content marketing team must be ready and able to experiment with landingpages, search engine optimization, and new communities to post content with an aim to convert new users into the potential consumers.


Today’s internet users are too sophisticated and spoilt by the amount of content they get daily. They value spectacle and visualization more than the power of simple word, no matter how powerful it is. Thus, to attract new consumers, all the stories told online must be in a visual form. A content marketing team should be able to create original and exquisite infographics, SlideShare presentations, and videos and add them to blog and social media posts and transform these posts into visual formats.

Since the majority of businesses have established their presence online, content marketing is an inevitable part of their promotion in a new digital reality. Due to its versatility and flexibility, the field has already gained tremendous popularity among people who are only starting their career path or want to change the current one. Go ahead and try it if you wish to get the benefits of a promising job position. And be ready to obtain a myriad of necessary skills to perform all the roles it requires, including the most uncommon ones.