How to Get Souvenirs in Pokemon GO

How to Get Souvenirs in Pokemon GO

The Buddy Pokemon system was introduced to Pokemon GO in 2019. This widely popular system allows players to select a particular Pokemon to share their adventure with. Buddy Pokemon walk with the player on the map and can reach different affection levels that boost the player in gameplay. They can give the player Gifts from the surrounding area, increase CP, and deliver Souvenirs.

Learn how to get souvenirs in Pokemon GO by reaching the Ultra Buddy level and receiving gifts from your Buddy Pokemon. Find out more about souvenir biomes and their rarity to increase your chances of obtaining them.

Here’s everything there is to know about souvenirs in Pokemon GO.

What are Souvenirs in Pokemon GO?

All Heading

Souvenirs in Pokemon GO are items that a Buddy Pokemon will bring to players once they reach a certain affection level. While Souvenirs don’t do anything in terms of gameplay, they can be a welcome reminder of how much a Buddy Pokemon loves the player.

Pokemon GO Buddy Souvenir List

Here’s a list of all 15 souvenirs that your Buddy Pokemon can collect in Pokemon GO:

  1. Flower Fruits
  2. Tropical Shell
  3. Tropical Flower
  4. Skipping Stone
  5. Lone Earring
  6. Cactus Fruit
  7. Torn Ticket
  8. Marble
  9. Small Bouquet
  10. Snowy Pinecone
  11. Beach Glass
  12. Chalky Stone
  13. Pretty Leaf
  14. Stretchy Spring
  15. Mushroom

Collecting all these souvenirs can be a fun way to track your progress with your Buddy Pokemon and add some extra personality to your gameplay.

How to Get Souvenirs in Pokemon GO

Players will receive souvenirs from Buddy Pokemon at the Ultra Buddy Level or higher. To reach this level, players must reach 150 hearts per day. Assuming players can achieve the maximum number of hearts per day, the shortest time it takes to get the Ultra Buddy level is eight days.

There are some ways to increase the maximum number of hearts per day, which some players may want to do if they are trying to reach Rank 48, as one of the requirements is to receive ten souvenirs.

Ultra Buddy Pokemon will deliver a souvenir every 48 hours, though some events (like Sustainability Week 2023) allow Pokemon to gather souvenirs more quickly.

Souvenir Biomes and Rarity

There is still some confusion as to how player location affects souvenir availability. The official Pokemon GO Help Center has a post that confirms biomes impact souvenir availability, but reports from players suggest otherwise. For now, it should be assumed that players in specific locations have a higher chance of receiving certain souvenirs that are technically available everywhere.

Players have reported receiving the following souvenirs:

Common Souvenirs

  • Polka Dot Bow: A small bow with polka dots on it.
  • Snowy Pinecone: A pinecone covered in snow.
  • Tiny Mushroom: A tiny mushroom with a smiley face on it.
  • Rainbow Shell: A seashell with rainbow stripes.

Rare Souvenirs

  • Silver Pinap Berry: A silver version of the Pinap Berry.
  • Golden Acorn: A shiny golden acorn.
  • Glacial Wing: A beautiful wing from a legendary bird Pokemon.
  • Tidal Crest: A crest from a legendary sea Pokemon.

Tips for Collecting Souvenirs in Pokemon GO

  • Make sure to feed your Buddy Pokemon regularly to earn hearts and level up faster.
  • Take your Buddy Pokemon with you on adventures and explore different locations to increase your chances of finding rare souvenirs.
  • Participate in events that offer increased chances of finding souvenirs.
  • Trade souvenirs with other players to complete your collection.


Souvenirs in Pokemon GO may not provide any tangible benefits in gameplay, but they serve as a fun and sentimental reminder of the bond between a player and their Buddy Pokemon. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, players can increase their chances of collecting rare and unique souvenirs.

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